The surest way to show employees you care is through comprehensive benefits packages. Whether it’s for retirement, dental, vision, or even ancillary benefits, finding a good benefit enrollment program is crucial to keeping your employees happy. And their happiness goes a long way.
And, at H2H Enrollments, we’ve been providing the nation with a one-stop-shop for all their benefits needs. We work with you for hire-to-retire services, and we offer fully customized packages tailored to you and your unique circumstances. We’re with you every step of the way ensuring both you and your employees are well taken care of.
Here’s why your employees will love H2H’s benefit enrollment services.
1. Increased take-home pay
It’s important to know that with H2H’s benefit enrollment we’ll increase your employees’ take-home pay by up to 5% each paycheck. This is significant and definitely adds up throughout the year.
The way this works is that many of their benefits will come out before they pay taxes. What this does is it ultimately lowers your employee’s taxable income.
2. It increases communication
Aside from creating the perfect benefits package for your company, employers also have to handle delicate and complicated enrollment and hiring processes, as well as expanding administrative duties in a business environment that’s increasingly dynamic. Increasing your employee’s interest in communication will have an outstanding effect.
With the help of a benefit enrollment firm, you can raise the overall morale of both employers and employees by encouraging and increasing communication, and it ultimately increases their overall job satisfaction. In fact, 42% of employers consider employee engagement to be an issue.
Employers using benefit enrollment firms are more likely to accomplish their benefit objectives, which should include assisting employees in fully understanding the benefits materials and how to navigate the benefits process, and it increases confidence in selecting the right benefits package.
It’s a great way to show your employees how much you care, which goes a long way. And, just as importantly, if your employees don’t know how to use their benefits, you’re simply wasting your money. So cultivating a communicative culture is key.
3. Employee satisfaction
This is a broad but very important aspect of benefit enrollment. Salary is just one component of your appeal as a business. And it’s just one thing of many your employees deserve.
If you offer a comprehensive benefits package tailored to your employees specific and unique circumstances like what we can do at H2H Enrollment, your employees will experience greater job satisfaction. And this has two crucial effects.
Firstly, it minimizes your turnover rate, which not only means you don’t have to continually reinvest in new employees and onboarding, but the expertise you need to flourish will finally be retained. And, what’s more, your company culture will blossom as a consequence. Secondly, it increases your appeal and ensures you can acquire A-list talent. And trust us: your employees will love working in such an environment.
Overall, healthier and happier employees are simply more productive. A long-term strategy that guarantees an ROI and increases your bottom line while focusing on your employees’ wellness and health is, simply put, a win-win.
Contact us now to schedule a consultation!
Your employees deserve benefits. And, with a benefit enrollment program like H2H Enrollments, you can ensure both your needs and their needs are met. While we began in the Southwest and are headquartered in Phoenix, we’re proud to say we’ve expanded to also offer benefits solutions to employers in Hawaii and Chicago.
Whether you’re a big, mid-sized, or small company, we work with you and personalize every package for our customers. So contact us now to schedule a consultation. Investments in benefits are simply the seeds you sow to harvest your success!